Cyberjaya Medical College Admission, Fees & Requirements

MBBS in Malaysia- Cyberjaya Medical College Tutelage Study

The university’s fully accredited medical programme, running since 2005, has produced over 977 doctors. The MBBS programme (MBBS in Malaysia) provides impactful and excellent education and training in medicine. It uses a student-centered and problem-based approach to learning which should apply throughout the physician’s career.

MBBS Study in Malaysia for Indian Students

MBBS Study in Malaysia for Indian students 5-year programme is divided into two phases namely the Basic Medical Sciences phase (Years 1-2) and Clinical Sciences phase (Year 3-5). The first two years, taught mainly in the Cyberjaya campus, serve as a foundation for basic medical knowledge and is organized in sequential courses/blocks with early clinical exposure.

Students must successfully complete the Basic Medical Sciences phase prior to beginning clinical clerkships. From the third year, theoretical training is extended with clinical practice, where students learn in the various hospitals and health centers affiliated with the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Defence. Successful graduates are granted a Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degree, fully recognized by the Malaysian Medical Council.


The MBBS programme aims to produce doctors who are:

  • competent and highly trainable.
  • effective in communication skills and able to demonstrate leadership quality in society.
  • equipped with lifelong learning skills.
  • ready to fulfill the MOH’s vision and strategic objectives which are based on its corporate values that incorporate professionalism, teamwork, and caring values.


At the end of the undergraduate training, a UoC medical graduate is able to demonstrate adequate knowledge (cognitive), skills (psychomotor) and appropriate professional attributes (affective) in the following aspects.

Advanced and applied medical knowledge

  • Knowledge of biological, behavioral, clinical, ethical, and socioeconomic sciences that are relevant to the understanding of health and illness of the individual, family, and society.
  • Preventive medicine and population health
  • The role of religion, culture, socioeconomic factors in the changing environment of health and illness. This includes geriatric medicine and patient safety.
  • Disaster & relief medicine and military medicine
  • Theoretical and practical training in preparing for disaster, including Military Medicine and Military psychiatry.

How much is the tuition fee to study Medicine courses in Malaysia?

  • There is a different variant to tuition fees in Malaysia, depending on the course and university that is chosen.
  • The estimated tuition fee per year for Medicine course in the top universities in Malaysia can be RM 60,000 TO RM 120,000.
  • Quest International University fee is 10 Lakh rs per year.



Once we have considered your application and you are pre-selected, you will receive a letter of invitation to attend an interview.

Interviews will take place from January onwards each year for the following September entry.

The interview, conducted by two trained selectors, will last approximately 30 minutes.

The interview format is designed to confirm whether you have the aptitude, motivation, and personal qualities to succeed as a medical student at Quest International University Malaysia, and as a potential doctor of the future.

At the interview you will be assessed and graded under the following main categories:

  • motivation
  • reflection on care and role of the doctor
  • empathetic and ethical reasoning
  • critical thinking
  • communication skills

Selectors will expect you to show some insight into your personal attributes, the learning that has resulted from your previous experiences, and an understanding of the relevance of these factors to a career in medicine.

Within one week of your interview, you will receive a letter of outcome. This will inform you if you have been successful in obtaining a place to study medicine at Quest Malaysia.


  • Student-centered team-based learning
  • Problem-based learning
  • Hospital / clinical attachment
Medical Officer in public hospitals
Private medical center physician
Healthcare Administrator
Higher Education Lecturer
Research Scientist
International Aid/ Development Worker

Candidates may opt to further their studies for a career as a specialist in various Disciplines.

Clinical skills

  • Accurate physical and mental state examinations, organised and problem-focused medical history using appropriate perspective and judgement.
  • Patient management skills
  • Ability to interpret and integrate history and physical examination findings and apply judgement to arrive at provisional and differential diagnosis. Clear and sensitive communication with patients and their relatives, and health professionals and colleagues.
  • Laboratory skills
  • Ability to handle basic laboratory equipment and perform simple laboratory tests.

Examinations and grades

Indian Pre-University Average of 70% in all subjects (with an average of 70% in
~Biology; and
~Chemistry; and
~Physics or Mathematics)

English Language Requirement 

Overall IELTS band score of 6.


General Anatomy
Introductory Medical Physiology
Molecular Basis of Medicine & Nutrition
General Pathology
Behavioural Sciences
Medical Microbiology & Immunology
General Pharmacology
Endocrine System
Musculoskeletal System
Early Clinical & Professional Development 1
Early Clinical & Professional Development 2
Hubungan Etnik (Ethnic Relations)
Tamadun Islam & Tamadun Asia (Islamic & Asia Civilization)
Elective for Personal Development
Cardiovascular System
Respiratory System
Gastrointestinal System
Nervous System
Reproductive System
Urinary System
Public Health
Disaster & Relief Medicine
Early Clinical & Professional Development 3
Early Clinical & Professional Development 4
Kerajaan & Dasar Awam Malaysia
Young Mercy / Wataniah
MBBS First Professional Exam
Internal Medicine 1
Surgery 1
Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1
Paediatrics 1
Community Medicine
Orthopaedics 1 & Military Medicine
Mental Health, General & Military Psychiatry
Specialty Postings
Family Medicine
Contemporary Topics in Medicine
Clinical Elective
Disaster & Relief Medicine 2
Internal Medicine 2 & 3
Surgery 2 & 3
Paediatrics 2 & 3
Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2 & 3
Orthopaedics 2
Clinical Psychiatry
Emergency Medicine
MBBS Final Professional Exam (Part 1 & 2)

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Content Curator | Updated on - Jun 16, 2023

Author Email: Contact Number: +91 9818560331

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